Alpha Centauri—a tantalizing neighbor star system, just a mere 4.37 light-years away. Colonizing it is a thrilling vision, filled with both hope and challenges. Here’s a bite-sized breakdown of what might go into such...
Imagine the excitement of brushing away the soil from some ancient stone or pottery shard and finding an inscription mentioning someone previously only known from scripture, and whose existence was questioned by Bible critics....
Does man have an immortal soul? Is death the end or just the beginning? Where does man go when he dies? Heaven? Hell? Purgatory? Limbo, Reincarnation? There is so much confusion swirling around this...
We have reached a turning point in society. According to renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, the next 100 years of science will determine whether we perish or thrive. Will we remain a Type 0 civilization, or will...
You know the phrase: Men are from Mars, women are from Venus … but what if we’re all from Alpha Centauri? An American ecologist by the name of Dr Ellis Silver thinks that he...
The white, male European conquerors of the New World and 19th-century American pioneers of Manifest Destiny still color the space age, so is it a myth that we’ll turn nice on Mars? We’re going...
You head into your local coffee shop one morning and the barista greets you. “Hey Nathan, how you doing today, how’s the awesome Youtube channel going?” Nothing out of the ordinary there right? You’ve...
If we were to meet an extra-terrestrial civilization, the chances…. of them being the same age as humanity are slim to none. If they’re much younger than us then it will be difficult or...
The Kardashev Scale was created to measure how advanced a civilization is. Where do humans rank? Have you heard about the Kardashev Scale? If not, you are certainly in for a treat. For us mere...
Many people believe that the Earth will soon be in danger and the sprawling nature of humanity is the undeniable cause. With the rapid technological progress and advancement of the past few centuries, we’re quickly...
There may be no other subject in the Bible that has led to so much anxiety as the topic of hellfire. Many have been driven to despair and hopelessness contemplating a never ending torture...
Heaven. It’s where those of us who call ourselves Christians will spend a very long time. Like, super long. Like, millions upon millions upon millions of years. Actually, it will never stop. Heaven will...
If/When Machines Take Over The term “artificial intelligence” was only just coined about 60 years ago, but today, we have no shortage of experts pondering the future of AI. Chief amongst the topics considered...
THE Bible promises us that one day “death will be no more.” (Revelation 21:4) In Chapter 5, we learned that the ransom makes it possible for us to have everlasting life. But people still die. (Ecclesiastes...
The word Ecumenopolis was invented in 1967 by the Greek city planner Constantinos Doxiadis to represent the idea that in the future urban areas and megalopolises would eventually fuse and there would be a...
Perhaps the greatest ‘holy grail’ in all of astronomy is the search for life, and particularly intelligent life, beyond Earth. Given that life arose so plentifully and easily here on our home planet, and...
Picture this: Trillions of years from now, in a universe where the stars have largely dissipated and all existence is shrouded in chilled darkness, the continuation of human life might still be a possibility....
Revelation 20:7-10, “When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—to gather...
What is the limit of human life You must have thought themselves to be life-long course This is one of the most important questions to ask one question, as far as possible Such as...
How God speaks to us. I believe that God watches over the world, for the world is a troubled place. It has always been so… That is why you have come to the world....
Learning to communicate needs directly and effectively is something everyone struggles with at some point in their lives. For folks with borderline personality disorder (many of whom grew up in incredibly invalidating or abusive environments) this...
It has been said that “no one escapes childhood unscathed.” But sayings like these can have an especially significant meaning for a person who has experienced emotional abuse as a child. The effects of...
People with passive-aggressive behaviors show hostility and aggression in passive ways. Their aim is to resist job and social demands, using the common excuse that they “forgot” while demonstrating a negative attitude as to...
Surviving is not excelling, it is not even living comfortably. At best it is nothing more, than slow failure with possible dignity. No one ever has accomplished success, happiness or stability for the duration...
Atheist and people who claim they do not believe in God… SHUT UP!! YOU sound like an idiot and only confirm your ignorance of life and common sense. YOU beings constantly demand that, “There...
Not everything is as good as it seems, and the devil wants to hide this from you. But first, we need to figure out who the evil one is. The devil was once beautiful...