Surviving is not excelling, it is not even living comfortably. At best it is nothing more, than slow failure with possible dignity.
No one ever has accomplished success, happiness or stability for the duration on their own. People who frustrate themselves through their days, believing that they can and will, have only deluded themselves. At best they can survive for a while and who wants to just survive for a while.
Survivors… As long as they can keep a job, not get disabled or suffer a life changing injury or such, can they continue to, just survive. Doing life by yourself was never intended by God and those people will not enjoy the blessings, grace, growth and prosperity, of those who realize life’s plan.
And realize that attempting to be successful at anything;( business, relationships, finances, health, retirement…) is never going to happen when it is just you, trying to control it all solely.
Maintaining a home, a business, a career, raising children… will always remain a daily struggle of repetition, and exhausting stress. Knowing that if there happens to be one unplanned, unexpected issue or emergency. Their whole world may be turned upside down and they alone, may no longer be able to survive, and recover from whatever event has tossed their shallow foundation upside down.
No one becomes a multi-millionaire, business icon on their own, no one marries themselves and enjoys a successful and blessed marriage, no one grows old gracefully alone, no one remains healthy by themselves. Life just has never worked that way and never will.
Give praise and glory to the son of man.
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