The Fall of Man
The fall of man occurred sometime after God created the world and after Satan’s rebellion in heaven. We find the biblical account of creation and the fall of man in Genesis 1–3. According to the...
Subjective, Controversial Provocative Topics For Ruminations.
The fall of man occurred sometime after God created the world and after Satan’s rebellion in heaven. We find the biblical account of creation and the fall of man in Genesis 1–3. According to the...
We all have the chose within us to find our way back to the path – or not – after we have strayed from it. We can either choose to loose ourselves or pick...
It seems that all too often you hear about couples separating or getting divorced. What happens to these couples? Can these relationships have been saved? Is love enough to save a relationship? These are...
Sex androids will replace most females in 6-10 years and 100% completely REPLACE women in 15-25 years. The technology is growing rapidly, even without hardly any institutional funding. Once a major corporation or capital...
A WARNING… This is sad and it will make you cry and feel sad, but don’t be. This awaits all of us and we all have our last time, ever. Wrestling with your...
Once poor, people can experience difficulty escaping poverty because many things that would allow them to do so require money they don’t have, such as Education and retraining with new skills … Wikipedia. It’s very...
Woody Allen famously quipped, “I’m not afraid of death; I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” There are many rational things to worry about when we contemplate our own death—perhaps foremost among...
Billionaires: they’re not just like us. Something happens when you reach a certain level of wealth. The jets become private. The apartments become penthouses. And the parties get real epic real fast. Here are...
Self-driving cars, iPads, Uber: The technological advances of this decade have happened so quickly that their breadth is difficult to comprehend. The next decade? That, times ten. This time a decade ago, there was...
Does man have an immortal soul? Is death the end or just the beginning? Where does man go when he dies? Heaven? Hell? Purgatory? Limbo, Reincarnation? There is so much confusion swirling around this...
You know the phrase: Men are from Mars, women are from Venus … but what if we’re all from Alpha Centauri? An American ecologist by the name of Dr Ellis Silver thinks that he...
The white, male European conquerors of the New World and 19th-century American pioneers of Manifest Destiny still color the space age, so is it a myth that we’ll turn nice on Mars? We’re going...
You head into your local coffee shop one morning and the barista greets you. “Hey Nathan, how you doing today, how’s the awesome Youtube channel going?” Nothing out of the ordinary there right? You’ve...
If we were to meet an extra-terrestrial civilization, the chances…. of them being the same age as humanity are slim to none. If they’re much younger than us then it will be difficult or...
If/When Machines Take Over The term “artificial intelligence” was only just coined about 60 years ago, but today, we have no shortage of experts pondering the future of AI. Chief amongst the topics considered...
THE Bible promises us that one day “death will be no more.” (Revelation 21:4) In Chapter 5, we learned that the ransom makes it possible for us to have everlasting life. But people still die. (Ecclesiastes...
What is the limit of human life You must have thought themselves to be life-long course This is one of the most important questions to ask one question, as far as possible Such as...
Learning to communicate needs directly and effectively is something everyone struggles with at some point in their lives. For folks with borderline personality disorder (many of whom grew up in incredibly invalidating or abusive environments) this...
It has been said that “no one escapes childhood unscathed.” But sayings like these can have an especially significant meaning for a person who has experienced emotional abuse as a child. The effects of...
People with passive-aggressive behaviors show hostility and aggression in passive ways. Their aim is to resist job and social demands, using the common excuse that they “forgot” while demonstrating a negative attitude as to...
Surviving is not excelling, it is not even living comfortably. At best it is nothing more, than slow failure with possible dignity. No one ever has accomplished success, happiness or stability for the duration...
Atheist and people who claim they do not believe in God… SHUT UP!! YOU sound like an idiot and only confirm your ignorance of life and common sense. YOU beings constantly demand that, “There...
Not everything is as good as it seems, and the devil wants to hide this from you. But first, we need to figure out who the evil one is. The devil was once beautiful...
Most ADULT humans have lost sight of God’s basic and easiest messages. Many that are very true to all life forms, which is what was intended. The subject of this thought is how...
Benjamin Franklin once said, “nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes”. I’d respectfully like to add to his list of certainties the love of God and His promises that are...