How You Ended Up In Hell. Dumbass…
Most ADULT humans have lost sight of God’s basic and easiest messages. Many that are very true to all life forms, which is what was intended. The subject of this thought is how...
Subjective, Controversial Provocative Topics For Ruminations.
Most ADULT humans have lost sight of God’s basic and easiest messages. Many that are very true to all life forms, which is what was intended. The subject of this thought is how...
Benjamin Franklin once said, “nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes”. I’d respectfully like to add to his list of certainties the love of God and His promises that are...
Many people are single, just like myself and holding on to faith and hope of that one true love. In order for that to happen though. We have to be able to closed the...
Generally when people make this statement, they really mean, “God created us all,” which is accurate. God is the Father of us all in the sense that God formed us and gave us life....
To all of those that have lost someone to heroin, other drugs, disease or at the direct hands of another human, I hope you find some comfort in my next few sentences. Sure it...
The impossible has long ago become possible. We can fly. We can communicate across great distances. We can cure many illnesses and have long ago started dabbling with the creation of life itself. The...
You do everything by yourself and feel isolated from others As you grow older, you become capable of handling things by yourself, so you don’t want to be anyone`s burden. You often feel isolated...
I think that often when things seem like they are at their worst and it seems like “friends” even Family don’t give a shit about you anymore. That we really find out who WE...
This tree has been dated to be a bit over 4,000 tears old. It is in what is believed to be the most middle point there is in Africa. Scientist named it Baobab in...
This painting titled “The Madonna with Saint Giovannino” a painting from around the 15th century, painted by Domenico Ghirlandaio. The painting depicts Mary mother of Jesus looking down. While in the background you can...
So many people say they are waiting on God… waiting on god to bring them the “right one”. Simply waiting on God, is not believing in God’s will or plan for your life. You...
Tardigrades can even survive any temperature: from freezing cold to far above boiling point! Also known as “moss piglets” or “water bears”, tardigrades can be found almost everywhere on the planet, even in your...
Too often so many of us tell ourselves that we can’t be more than we are, that we can’t be what we really want to be, that we are unworthy or have too many...
Ladies… Some of you who claim to be of this, “Ride or Die” mindset. Need to really ask yourselves if that lil boy that is screwin you and you push through with and give...
In 2011 this was discovered more than 2 miles deep in the Baltic Sea. The people that discovered it on accident, were out researching totally other scientific things and just happened upon this. Supposedly...
They lived here before we did… Prior to the great flood… The earth was occupied by a race of Humans, which were nothing like us. The great flood was 4,359 years ago...
I have observed more and more often that many, “Adults”… May indeed have emotional, educational, or mental defects that were never diagnoses in their childhood. Yet have simply been tolerated by family and friends...
Notice the Guy in the fore ground… Who did this? Who was able to cut theses, 15,000 years ago and before the Stone Age. How these stones came to be there; why they were...
I have observed for some time that many girls proclaim to be attracted and pursue these “bad boy’ males. They may be simply attracted by the rebellious nature, or the tats and dress…the whole...
Notice the large human sized stair case at bottom right… Now imagine how huge this structure was, in contrast to the stones in those stairs. The stone blocks of granite in the foreground, base...
God is always waiting on us. Sometimes we may think we are waiting on God, but that is never true. God has provided us with all we will ever need. As Jesus stated in...
Recent analysis has determined that the dirt and detritus partially burying these statues was washed down from above and not deliberately placed there to bury, protect, or support the statues. If this is in...