Too often so many of us tell ourselves that we can’t be more than we are, that we can’t be what we really want to be, that we are unworthy or have too many issues to enjoy a happy, confident life. This is very disabling and a fundamental character flaw of defeat. Nothing will get better or even change for these kind of people. If you are one of these tormented souls, listen up… Most are doomed to repeat the same history over and over.
Giving God control of your life and completely trusting God to guide your decisions, steps and heart. Provides you with a much cleaner, happier and joyful life. A much better and fulfilled life, then you will ever, or could ever create for yourself. True, God does give you “free will” to make choices… Choices that are often, NOT the will God intends for you. This is turning away from God and the blessings that God is trying to give you. Let his God’s be done in your life and let go of your fear and worries. After all, when you worry. That is just you worshiping the wrong master(Satan). It is basically proclaiming that you do not trust in the Holy Spirit to solve your trials for you.
Words given me to share with others…
Give praise and glory. In the house of God!