I have observed for some time that many girls proclaim to be attracted and pursue these “bad boy’ males. They may be simply attracted by the rebellious nature, or the tats and dress…the whole cartoon character, my ass may not be clean, and I am forever broke kinda look. I get that, but at the same time. These same girls are bewildered and dismayed when these boys’ step into the wind on them.
These girls have committed themselves to some sort of “ride or die” ideology with these types of boys. All the while these boys do not share that same mentality, level of loyalty or the character to live up to that matching level of commitment from her.
A more disturbing aspect is that there is an even wider sub-culture of women who seek rough sex from these troubled boys. Many of them associate the so called, bad boy image with this disaster of judgement, as these types of girls feel that these kinds of males are about that kind of physical mirror of un-loving affection and will deliver that acceptance and approval that they long for. And also respect for them at the same time.
Actually, what these “girls” are looking for is a sexual sadist. Now I know this just shocked many girls that just read that. Assuming they have even read this far, as those types are easily distracted by things less informative or beneficial, than a post of logic and reasoning.
For those that have kept reading however, Google up what a sexual sadist is. This is a mental disorder and a socio-pathic one, often undiagnosed in the late teen thru early adulthood years and thus.
Anyone trying to love or be in a relationship with these types of deviants, is doomed for failure. This will help you “girls” to realize that all of the non-sense you have been posting, the tears you have shed and the loneliness that you have felt.
When you have believed that you weren’t good enough, or it was his loss, or that you are a strong independent-broken bitch, who is waiting on God to send you the right one, lol… That the relationship was never and could never have worked out anyway. Because now you know what a sexual sadist is, and you are that much smarter now.
Be blessed!!