I have observed more and more often that many, “Adults”… May indeed have emotional, educational, or mental defects that were never diagnoses in their childhood. Yet have simply been tolerated by family and friends and have never even considered therapy, treatment or any third party sources of help. This being acknowledged now (by me). Kind of confirms why so many people are in broken relationships, broke, in domestic shit, addicts- drug or alcohol… Selling ass or just have sad lives happening and playing out daily… HOWEVER… It is for NO ONE to condemn another, berate them or make life harder for them. I am merely writing about observations.
Just because a person or people in general. Don’t live the way that you believe that they should, live like you do or in the way that you believe is right. In no way shape or form does it mean that they are living wrong for that person. What it definitely may mean however, is that YOU are un-adaptable, un-empathetic and perhaps very shallow and contrite! By confirming that you have no capacity, or respect for another person’s or peoples way of living. This is when you should realize that isolation from others or even perhaps constructing a wall, to keep others safe from you is a simple solution. To let you feel completely comfortable, unchanged and not scared… While being able to stay exactly the same as you are and who you are… Which may be very pathetic and very sad.
My thoughts about it anyway…